Totally Teeth – The Game Show is an Oral Health and Hygiene and Nutritional program offered to children from Grade 3 – 6. Our mission is to provide high quality education in preventative dental health strategies through interaction and engagement in an entertaining game show format. Totally Teeth has been specifically designed to align with the Australian Curriculum to outline critical areas of the Health and Physical Education primary curriculum. Totally Teeth’s key objective is to provide support to educators, parents, carers and the broader community with the ultimate outcome of improving the health of the Australian population. Totally Teeth includes a bonus package of useful and relevant teaching and learning resources for both teachers and family members with the intention of providing reinforcement and extension work for students.
This innovative educational program includes the following educational goals:
• Good Oral Hygiene To reduce decay and gum disease in children.
• Healthy Eating/Making Good Food Choices, encouraging optimal nutrition, reducing
• Twice daily tooth brushing For healthy teeth. Developing healthy habits.
• Prevention of Tooth Decay Understanding the mechanism of decay.
• Introduction to Dental Anatomy and learning the structure of teeth and gums
• Discovering Where Hidden Sugars Hide: Looking past the obvious ‘junk food’ to see that
sugar can sneak in unexpectedly.
Totally Teeth covers the following content of the Australian Curriculum:
Health and Physical Education:
Years 3-4
Being healthy, safe and active (ACPPS036)
Grades 5-6
Personal, Social and Community Health
Being healthy, safe and active (ACPPS053), (ACPPS054)
Contributing to healthy and active communities (ACPPS058)
Learning through movement (ACPMP067), (ACPMP068)